Today we are publishing two NuGet packages related to DPoP:
- Duende.IdentityServer 7.0.8, which addresses a low-severity security issue in our DPoP
support for local APIs (CVE-2024-49755), and
- Duende.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer 0.1.3, the first preview of a new series of
ASP.NET Core extensions that help you leverage advanced IdentityServer features - in
this case DPoP support for APIs.
We encourage everyone using IdentityServer 7.0.0 and later to update to IdentityServer
7.0.8, but do note that most IdentityServer implementations are not affected. In this blog
post, we’ll discuss the issue in more detail and the specific circumstances where this
vulnerability applies, as well as show how to use the new package to implement DPoP in
your ASP.NET APIs.